Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, Dec 4th

S+ English

Notes: How to write a draft/final paper - First hour we will take these notes tomorrow
Here is a link to help you figure out how to insert a header and page number into Google Docs  Here is a video instructing you on how to include a header in Microsoft Word.  She starts talking about it at about 3:27.

iWork: Begin drafting your failure paper - The top of your page should look like the notes we took.  See image below.

When writing your paper, don't forget to add either a summary or a story from your life when of when you failed.  Below are some helpful sentence starters and questions.


Here is a link to the website I used to get this information.  It can be very helpful when you have questions regarding most kinds of writing.

Hand out: The Greek Gods book

HW: Read the first three gods (Zeus, Hera and Athene)

English 7

Discuss: What is the FRAME?

iWork: Fill in your failure FRAME

HW: Failure FRAME due tomorrow!