Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5th

Hey Guys,

I'm not feeling too hot this morning.  Please be good for the sub and make sure to get your assigned work done.  There are no passes while I am gone.  Please don't ask the sub.  I hope to be back tomorrow.  Have a good day!

Ms. E.


S+ English
1.  As a class, go over the answers to the formative quiz - teacher will have key.  Hand them in.  Your summative on this is tomorrow.
2.  Inquiry notes should also be done.  Before you print, make sure they are all the same font (Times New Roman) and the same size (12).  Don't forget all of the requirements in the Inquiry Notes Requirements video.
3.  You may print them and staple them to the back of your Phase Three packet.
4.  Begin working on your bibliographies - watch How to fill out an internet bibliography  If you used a book as a source watch How to complete a book bibliography 
5.  You may begin working on your bibliographies.  Please look at the rubric in your Phase Three packet for specific grading requirements.

If you finish early:
1.  Free Rice
2.  Free Typing Games
3.  Typing Games
4.  Read


English 7
1.  Finish work on inquiry notes.
2.  Watch Inquiry Notes Requirements video for specifics on how you will be graded.
3.  Before you print, make sure they are all the same font (Times New Roman) and the same size (12).  Don't forget all of the requirements in the Inquiry Notes Requirements video.
4.  You may print them and staple them to the back of your Phase Three packet.

If you finish early:
1.  Free Rice
2.  Free Typing Games
3.  Typing Games
4.  Read