Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday, Dec 20th

S+ English

Last day in class to work on your mythology project.

If you're not done by the end of the hour: make sure you still have the PPT in your mail so you can access it from home.  OR you may put your project on your USB/Flashdrive.

If you finish: Please email your project to me.
In the subject line write your first and last name and the name of your god.
You also need to turn in your rough draft sheet with your name/s on it!

Once you've emailed and handed in your rough draft you may work on something else. You can quietly read, do homework or play an online game.  I will only allow you to be playing games on these websites: <-- You will need our school login for this one.

HW: If you don't finish your project in class you need to do that over break.  We will present them on Thursday and Friday when we return.

English 7

Work time to fill in choice FRAME and take it to a paragraph.

HW: Enjoy your break :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, Dec 19th

S+ English

Computer lab to work on Mythology Project

HW: Don't forget your mythology books for tomorrow; we will be turning them in.  Also, please make sure to have a USB if you are not going to be finished with your project by the end of the hour.

English 7

Finish "With Help From A Friend" FRAME

Choice article FRAME

HW: Bring a book tomorrow

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, Dec 18th

S+ English

Computer lab to work on Mythology Twitter pages

HW: Bring your USB if you'd like to save a copy of your project for yourself.  When you save to the H:Drive at school, you can't access it from home.

English 7

Go over summative main idea test

"With Help From A Friend"

Begin filling in overcoming obstacles FRAME

HW: Please bring a book tomorrow

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, Dec 17th

S+ English

203 Lab to work on Tweets

Template - begin rough draft

Draft needs to be done before working on the computers

English 7

Formative “Darius Goes West” - Hand in

Main Idea summative

iRead if done early

HW: Don't forget a book for tomorrow.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, Dec 16th

S+ English

Last day to turn in missing SWBSTs for partial credit.

15 min to finish up Greek god stuff

Introduce twitter project - example

English 7

Everyone does Questions 1 and 2 “Darius Goes West”

HW: Finish "Darius Goes West"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, Dec 13th

S+ English

Group work day SWBST





Choose one to be graded summatively - If not finished by today you can turn this in Monday.  We will have 15 minutes to finalize our folders on Monday.

I will check all of your SWBSTs at the end of class on Monday for partial credit.

Turn in partial credit SWBSTs

English 7

Work day for formative main idea article

Formative article to be handed in at the end of class

If finished early iRead

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, Dec 12th

S+ English 

Group work SWBTS

Turn in individual SWBST to file

HW: Read Narcissus and Echo, Eros and Psyche complete a SWBST for each (x4)

English 7

Go over BrainPOP sheet from yesterday

Return "Triumph Over Tourette's"

Choose formative article

Work time

HW: Don't forget a book for class tomorrow - NO PASSES WILL BE GIVEN

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, Dec 11th

S+ English

Group work SWBST




Turn in individual SWBST to file

HW: Read Phaethon, Orpheus and Airon complete SWBST

English 7

Hand in“Triumph over Tourette’s”

BrainPOP: Main Idea

Unit map work

What is the Main Idea?

HW: Finish BrainPOP blue sheet

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, Dec 10th

S+ English

Folder Updates

Group work SWBST



Turn in individual SWBST to file - Choose one from group to be graded formatively

HW: Read Aphrodite, Prometheus and Pandora complete SWBST for each

If you have extra magazines you’d like to bring in for our mythology projects that’d be awesome!!

English 7

Partner share answers to first two sections of "Triumph Over Tourette's"

Finish last two and answer summary question

Go over and turn in

If Time: Choose formative article to do independently

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, Dec. 9th

S+ English

Failure papers are due

Review group expectations

Group work SWBST - finish up from Friday



Turn in individual SWBST to file - Each person should have 5 turned in by now

If you have extra magazines you’d like to bring in for our mythology projects that’d be awesome!!

HW: Read The Sons of Apollo, Hermes and Hephaestus complete SWBST for each

English 7

Finish “To Iraq and Back”

Summary question

“Triumph Over Tourettes”

HW: Read and answer questions for first two sections (front side of green worksheet)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, Dec 6th

S+ English


Review: Expectations for group work.  How to use iPod to record.

Group work: Share out SWBST for each god.  Collectively write a summary for each to be graded.  Decorate the back side of the SWBST sheet with information you learned about the god.  This will help you later when you do your final project.




If done early: iRead the Greek gods and get ahead for Monday.

HW: Read The Birth of the Twins, Artemis and Apollo.  Complete a SWBST for each god (only two this time).  Your final failure paper is also due on Monday.  I have made a checklist of things for you to use when compiling them to turn in Monday.


English 7

Review: Annotating to find main idea

Go over: "To Iraq and Back" - Finish annotating the rest of the article

iWork: Finish the worksheet and complete a summary sentence for each section.

HW: "To Iraq and Back" worksheet needs to be done for Monday.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, Dec 5th

S+ English

Hour 1 - Notes on drafting

Discuss: Background on mythology

Practice: SWBST for three gods (Zeus, Hera and Athene)

Zeus Video

Hera Video

Athena Video

Arachne Video
This is a little different than what we read for class, but that is the nature of myths.  Since they have been told many times the story is bound to change a little.

Notes: Start concept map of greek gods

If Time iRead: Poseidon, Hades and Demeter

HW: Finish reading Poseidon, Hades and Demeter and complete a SWBST for each.  Needs to be done to do the group discussion tomorrow.

English 7

Turn in: Failure FRAME

Model: "To Iraq and Back"

HW: Finish reading and annotating article

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, Dec 4th

S+ English

Notes: How to write a draft/final paper - First hour we will take these notes tomorrow
Here is a link to help you figure out how to insert a header and page number into Google Docs  Here is a video instructing you on how to include a header in Microsoft Word.  She starts talking about it at about 3:27.

iWork: Begin drafting your failure paper - The top of your page should look like the notes we took.  See image below.

When writing your paper, don't forget to add either a summary or a story from your life when of when you failed.  Below are some helpful sentence starters and questions.


Here is a link to the website I used to get this information.  It can be very helpful when you have questions regarding most kinds of writing.

Hand out: The Greek Gods book

HW: Read the first three gods (Zeus, Hera and Athene)

English 7

Discuss: What is the FRAME?

iWork: Fill in your failure FRAME

HW: Failure FRAME due tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, Dec 3rd

S+ English

Go over: Textual evidence recorded in "Are You A Loser?"

Work time: Fill in "Successful Failure" FRAME

HW: FRAME needs to be finished for class tomorrow

English 7

Go over: THIEVES "Are You A Loser?"

iRead: Read and annotate article

Work time: Find textual evidence to answer the two end of section questions.  These need to be accurately recorded in on the charts at the end for class tomorrow, three pieces for each question!

HW: All pieces of evidence need to be recorded in chart for class tomorrow

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, Dec. 2nd

Welcome Back!!!

S+ English

How was your break?

Review: Classroom rules/expectations

Goal setting Trimester 2

Work time: "Are You A Successful Failure?"

HW: "Are You A Successful Failure" - Complete THIEVES and the end of section questions.  Make sure you are answering using textual evidence.  This needs to be done for class tomorrow so you may begin you FRAME and rough draft of your paper.

English 7

How was your break?

Review: Classroom rules/expectations

Goal setting Trimester 2

THIEVES: "Are You A Successful Failure?"