Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, Nov 26th

S+ English

Review: Go over CSA

Review: Return to unit map

Reflection: Thank You letter

English 7

Reflection: Trimester 1 reflection/goal setting

Reflection: Thank You letter to an adult at Brooklyn Junior


I hope you all enjoy your break!  Wonderful job first trimester.  I can't wait to see what second trimester has in store for us!  Be safe, eat lots of food and I will see you in five days :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, Nov 25th

S+ English

Test: Common Summative Assessment - "The Scholarship Jacket"

iRead: independent reading while others finish testing

English 7

Go Over: Go over CSA from Friday

Review: Add to blue unit map - Review work throughout trimester


Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, Nov 22nd

S+ English


English 7

Test: Common Summative Assessment on Inferences and Textual evidence

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, Nov 21st

S+ English

Watch: Twilight Zone - "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

Go Over: Inference questions

English 7


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, Nov 20th

S+ English

Hand back: "The War of the Wall" inference questions - go over

iWork: "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" questions to turn in at end of the hour

HW: Locate your blue unit map.  You will need that for class next week.

English 7

Hand back: "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" questions and go over

Watch: "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" Twilight Zone episode http://www.hulu.com/watch/440892

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, Nov 19th

S+ English 7

Review: SWBST (Somebody Wanted But So Then) Act 1 "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

Read: Continue reading out loud and finish the play

Mini Lesson: Making predictions

HW: Locate your blue unit map - If you've lost it or thrown it away you need to get a new one and copy the information before Friday.

English 7

Summative: Vocab test

Weighted Formative: "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" Inference and Textual evidence

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, Nov 18th

S+ English

Test: Vocab Summative - "The War of the Wall"

Preview: Finish previewing "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

Mini Lesson: Context clues

Begin: Pick speaking parts for "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" and begin reading in class

English 7

Finish:  Reading "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

Mini Lesson: Making predictions

For Tomorrow: Vocab Summative on "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15th

S+ English

Reflect and Change: Look back at your Outsiders Theme paper you shared with me on Google Docs.  I've gone through and made comments and given you a score.  Note: These HAVE NOT been entered in the grade book yet.

I'd like you to take some time to read through the comments I made throughout your paper and make some changes.

Please DO NOT resolve the comments from the side.  I know it's nice to get rid of them once you've fixed the problem, but then, when I go back into the document, I have to re-open all of them.  For some comments, when you fix them, it will automatically disappear.  This is okay.  I just don't want YOU to purposefully resolve them.

Once you're done you may log off, do not shut off, put the computer away NICELY and move on to the next agenda item for the day.

Reader Response: Please finish your response questions about fear from yesterday, if you are not already done.

Once you finish your Google Doc changes and your Reader Response questions you may choose from the following options.  You MAY NOT work on one of these three options UNLESS your done with the above two.

1.  STUDY: If you finish your reflection questions and still have some extra time, I would recommend making some Quizlet set cards to study for your Vocabulary Summative on Monday.  Here is the link for the website.  In order to save your cards you will need to make an account.  I would suggest using your school email.

2.  iRead: If you've already made some flashcards to study you may independently read your choice book until everyone is finished with their papers.

3.  Missing Assignment? If you did not finish your "The War of the Wall" pink sheet yesterday please work on this and turn it in.  You may only work on this if you've already finished your Google changes and Reader Response questions.

Once everyone is finished with their papers we will move on to the last two items on our agenda.

Discussion: Share with a partner your answers to the three reflection questions.

Preview: Finish previewing "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

English 7

Read: Continue reading aloud "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, Nov 14th

S+ English 7

iWork: 15 minutes to finish up "The War of the Wall"

Notes: Somebody Wanted But So Then

Reader's Notebook reflection: Answer three questions
English 7

Mini Lesson: Context clues

Notebook sheet: Respond to Quickwrite questions - hand in

Begin: Pick parts for the telecast and start reading!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, Nov 13th

S+ English

Hand in: Annotation of "The War of the Wall"

Notes: Vocabulary words for "The War of the Wall"

iWork: Read "The War of the Wall" answer 3 inference questions, with textual evidence to support.  Provide AT LEAST two pieces of evidence to support the theme mentioned at the end.

English 7

Go Over: "The War of the Wall" vocab summative

Hand out: Rate Your Word vocab notes for "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street".  On the back side copy down chart to be filled in during reading.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, Nov 12th

S+ English

Review: How do our literary terms apply to "The Medicine Bag"?

Hand back and go over: "The Medicine Bag" Vocab Summative

Lesson: Background knowledge on "The War of the Wall" - PowerPoint
Fast write about three words (recognition, heal and help)
I think this story is going to be about... (Finish the sentence using the three words above).

HW: Annotation of "The War of the Wall"

English 7

Test: "The War of the Wall" Vocabulary Summative

Hand back and go over: Inference Questions "The War of the Wall"

Are you ready for your final practice before the summative? - YES!

Lesson: Begin previewing "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street"

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, Nov 11th

S+ English

Activity: Summative Vocab Test

Lesson: Go over inference answers for "The Medicine Bag"

Mini Lesson/Review: How do our literary terms apply to "The Medicine Bag"

English 7

Review: Vocab practice quiz

Work time: Finish "The War of the Wall" inference questions

HW: Study for your Vocabulary Summative tomorrow!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, Nov 8th

S+ English 7

Review: Vocab practice test

Lesson: Work day to finish questions 4-6 in your yellow "The Medicine Bag" inference question packet.  Due at the end of the hour.

Reminders:  Vocab Summative on "The Medicine Bag" Monday of next week.  PLEASE STUDY!

English 7

Lesson: Somebody Wanted But So Then

Lesson: Begin independent work on inference questions for "The War of the Wall"

Reminders: Vocab Summative on "The War of the Wall" next TUESDAY.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, Nov 7th

S+ English

Lesson: How to answer inference questions and provide textual evidence.  "The Medicine Bag"  Work on questions 1-3 together, with a partner and independently.

Reminders: Vocab Summative next Monday

Hand back: Outsiders Summative Test - Can't keep it because students still need to take it.

English 7

Mini Lesson: Finish vocab

Lesson: Listen to "The War of the Wall"

Reminders: Summative vocab test will be next Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, Nov. 6th

S+ English

Lesson: Listen and follow along with "The Medicine Bag"  http://www.emcp.com/product_catalog/school/litLink/Grade08/U02-02medicinebag/audio.html

Write it out: In your Reader's Notebook, respond to the four questions below.

Share:  Share your responses with two people.  Class discussion.
What do you think the theme/s of this story are?

Hand out: Inference question packet.  Take notes on top.
         - Inferences = a conclusion based on textual evidence and prior knowledge.
         - Textual Evidence = 1. Word for Word 2. (Author's last name p#). 3. "Quotes"  4. Elipsis ...

English 7

Hand back: Annotation of "The Medicine Bag", Summative Vocab test, Rate Your Words sheet

Lesson: Background information on "The War of the Wall" - PowerPoint

Work time: Independently annotate the beginning of "The War of the Wall" - Weighted formative

Lesson: Vocab words for "The War of the Wall"

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, Nov 5th

S+ English

Review: Go over annotation of "The Medicine Bag"

Lesson: copy down vocab words in vocab section of notebook.  Summative will be next Monday.

English 7

Opener: "The Medicine Bag" Vocab Summative

Hand in:  Rate Your Words sheet for vocab

Work Time: Finish Inference questions 5 and 6 - Hand in packet

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, Nov 4th

S+ English

Lesson: How do I format my paper?  We talked about how I want you to format your papers for my class.  See the eight steps listed below.

1.  Make sure to share your document with me - ericksonchelsea@apps.district279.org

2.  Give it a title - The Outsiders Theme (It is important to note that we italicize the title of the book.  If you've written the title anywhere else in your paper you need to make sure to italicize it there too.)

3.  Change the file name, on the upper left, to your First Name Last Name Outsiders Theme.

4.  The font of your whole paper should be Times New Roman size 12.

5.  Your title should be size 18.

6.  The whole paper should be in black ink and only the title should be bold.

7.  Make sure you have properly double spaced it (Don't do enter enter after each line).

8.  The whole paper, with the exception of the title, should be aligned to the left.

Mini Lesson/Review: Annotate the beginning of "The Medicine Bag".

Turn In: T-Chart, FRAME and Rough Draft stapled together.

HW: If you are not finished with your paper you need to work on it at home or after school

English 7

Mini Lesson/Review: Vocab quiz

Lesson: Go over questions 3 & 4 as a class.  Are you recording textual evidence correctly?

Work time: Finish question 5 and start on question 6.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday, Nov 1

S+ English

Lesson: Peer Edit paper

Lesson: Type paper into Google Docs

HW: Paper needs to be typed (through third body paragraph) for class on Monday.

English 7

Lesson: Review Inferences and Textual Evidence

Work Time: Finish through inference question 4.