Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, Nov 4th

S+ English

Lesson: How do I format my paper?  We talked about how I want you to format your papers for my class.  See the eight steps listed below.

1.  Make sure to share your document with me -

2.  Give it a title - The Outsiders Theme (It is important to note that we italicize the title of the book.  If you've written the title anywhere else in your paper you need to make sure to italicize it there too.)

3.  Change the file name, on the upper left, to your First Name Last Name Outsiders Theme.

4.  The font of your whole paper should be Times New Roman size 12.

5.  Your title should be size 18.

6.  The whole paper should be in black ink and only the title should be bold.

7.  Make sure you have properly double spaced it (Don't do enter enter after each line).

8.  The whole paper, with the exception of the title, should be aligned to the left.

Mini Lesson/Review: Annotate the beginning of "The Medicine Bag".

Turn In: T-Chart, FRAME and Rough Draft stapled together.

HW: If you are not finished with your paper you need to work on it at home or after school

English 7

Mini Lesson/Review: Vocab quiz

Lesson: Go over questions 3 & 4 as a class.  Are you recording textual evidence correctly?

Work time: Finish question 5 and start on question 6.