Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 28th

S+ English/English 7

Today we did our first inference activity.  I showed you a picture of the comic and asked you, "Why is the turkey visiting the psychiatrist?"  We practiced using the phrase, "It says_____, I say ______, and so _______."  I was very impressed with how well you all did!

When we were finished I had you complete your anticipation guide for The Outsiders.  We tallied up the amounts of "yes" and "no" for each category.  To wrap up this activity I asked you to complete the sentence below.

I predict this book will be about __(Inference)__ because__(Textual evidence/Prior knowledge)__.

We briefly talked about how making predictions is a type of inference.  I asked you to support your prediction with evidence from either the anticipation guide or the article, or both!

To round out the hour I either gave you independent reading time to begin the story or read aloud to you.